Brody PR was hired by CicLAvia in 2020 to expand its media coverage from events-based calendar listings to more features on the civic, environmental, and social benefits of the events.
After 10 years, CicLAvia aimed to expand its media presence beyond event listings to position itself as a catalyst for improved pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, attract higher-level donors, and increase participation beyond just bicyclists, since all forms of people-powered transportation are welcome. Brody PR came on board just before the pandemic arrived. Despite all events being canceled, we convinced the client that there were still PR opportunities. We continued to do PR for the nonprofit all through the pandemic and have been on board as their PR agency ever since.
Brody PR focuses on pitching more feature stories, emphasizing the benefits of car-free streets, and highlighting CicLAvia's impact on community, sustainability, and inclusivity. As soon as we were hired, the pandemic hit and all 2020 events were canceled. We found an angle to capitalize on during the pandemic, pitching the story idea that with no cars on the streets, LA is getting a glimpse of the benefits of car-free streets including cleaner air, safer roads for bicyclists and pedestrians, and less traffic. The media bit and we were able to maintain a high profile for CicLAvia and keep it top-of-mind for the community, despite no events taking place. Since the pandemic ended and events resumed, we continued to pitch stories about the impact of CicLAvia on civic life, imagining more open streets, behind the scenes and what it takes to put on a CicLAvia, and the collective joy that the community experiences.
Media coverage for CicLAvia exponentially increased, both locally and nationally. Notable placements included feature stories and interviews in The Planning Report, Spectrum News, AAA's Westways, LA Magazine, NY Times, Momentum, KCBS Inside SoCal, and many other media outlets. Coverage extended to local and community newspapers, expanding CicLAvia's reach, increasing participation from the community, and expanding its donor base. Brody PR also enhanced the CicLAvia press room with readily available statistics, photography, and video, making it easier for the media to gather assets for stories. CicLAvia events have increased from four times per year to eight times per year, with the eventual goal to hold a CicLAvia every month. It is widely recognized as the largest open streets initiative in the country.